The trailer launch ceremony for the upcoming Pakistani movie “13” took place at Arena Cinema Karachi. The event was attended by media personalities and the stars of the movie, who praised the director Nabeel Ul Rehman Lutfi, and the actors for their performances in the film. The red carpet event was filled with a galaxy of stars, making it a truly memorable occasion. The movie, which is full of action, thrills, and suspense, tells the story of a serial killer. It is set to be released nationwide on September 29 under the banner of Metro Live Movies.
The movie “13” is a psycho-thriller about a serial killer and an investigating officer. The film’s cast has shared the trailer on social media, urging fans to support the Pakistani film industry.
One can tell from the trailer of writer and director Nabeel ur Rahman Lutfi‘s suspenseful and thrilling film that it revolves around a serial killer. Although countless movies on this subject have been made in Hollywood and Bollywood, the film’s high-quality cinematography and dizzying detective scenes suggest that there might be something unique about it. Film critics lauded the trailer, saying that Pakistan is finally producing a global cinema-worthy crime thriller that will undoubtedly be of great interest to fans of the genre.
The film also highlights the role of the Pakistani media, which is pelting the investigating officers with barbaric questions in the background of the series of murders.
Apart from Adnan Shah Tipu, Saleem Meraj, Sidra Kanwal, Afrah Nabeel, Taqi Ahmed, Wajahat Ali Khan, and other actors are playing significant roles in the movie.
The film follows a serial killer who manages to prove himself innocent despite being a suspect. However, his downfall comes when he makes a major mistake and gets caught by the authorities. The movie’s unique selling point lies in unraveling the reasons why the killer committed his 13 murders and the connection between them.
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The movie “13” was produced by Kaniz Fatima, Shehbaz Zain, and Afra Nabeel. The cinematography was done by Muntazer Mehdi Abro, with Shaukat Ali Muzaffar and Amar Ahmed responsible for the screenplay and dialogues.
This film, full of suspense, action, and thrills, is being released in theaters across the country under the banner of Metro Live Movies.